Monday, July 3, 2017

Multiple JWE Encryptions POC With Apache CXF in two hours

The summer has been great so far, and as usual, instead of watching yet another sport event final, you've decided to catch up with your colleagues after work and do a new round of the Apache CXF JOSE coding. Nice idea they said.

The idea of  creating an application processing the content encrypted for the multiple recipients has captured your imagination.

After reviewing the CXF JWE JSON documentation you've decided to start with the following client code. This code creates a client proxy which posts some text.

JWE JSON filter registered with the proxy will encrypt whatever the content the proxy is sending (does not have to be only text) only once, and the content encrypting key (CEK) will be encrypted with the recipient specific encrypting keys. Thus if you have 2 recipients then CEK will be encrypted twice.

Registering the  and with the proxy instructs the JWE JSON filter that a JWE JSON container for 2 recipients needs to be created, that the content encryption algorithm is A128GCM and key encryption algorithm is A128KW, and each recipient is using its own symmetric key encryption key. Each recipient specific entry will also include a 'kid' key identifier of the key encryption key for the service to figure out which JWE JSON entry is targeted at which recipient.

Setting up the client took you all one hour.

Next task was to prototype a service code. That was even easier. Loading the recipient specific properties, locating a recipient specific entry and getting the decrypted content was all what was needed.

Two hours in total. Note I did not promise it would take you 30 mins to do all the POC, it would've been really a child's play which is not realistic. With the two hours long project it is more complex, it felt like it was a walk in the park :-)


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